Healthcare Access
Healthcare Access for everyone
At Care and Hope for All we envision a future where all communities are empowered to thrive , with equal access to essential resources and opportunities .

Objectives and Strategy
Our objectives :Improve health outcomes and access to quality healthcare services for vulnerable populations.
Strategies : Establish community health centers and mobile clinics . Provide medical care , mental health support , and health education . Partner with local health care providers to increase access to specialised care.
Key Activities Completed
- Strengthen capacity of 100 + Homebased care givers through training an mentorship
- Improved Home based care management and psychology skills for 72 givers from 24 churches in Samfya , resulting in a 44%reduction in stigma and discrimination (from 67% to 23%).
- Empowerdd 200 community health volunteers to improve outrteach services in Kasuba and Samfya villages .
- Enhanced community health outcomes through increased childhood vaccinations and reduced stunting levels.
Donated the first CD4 count machine to Samfya District Hospital , enhancing HIV diagnosis and treatment
Upgraded Kasuba Health post to a modern health center with solar energy , staffed by a Registere Nurse and 3 additional staff.
Significantly enhanced healthcare access reduced stigma and discrimination and improved health outcomes in the targeted communities .
Improved community health indicators including increased childhood vaccination and reduced stunting levels.
Client Testimonials